About Us

Solfruit was born thanks to the thirty-year’s Ivan Basso experience, as a buyer in El Ejido – Spain for big Italian Import Companies of fruits and vegetables.

The new born business in 90’s, evolving on the base of market changes and most of all following customers and producers needs, improved and increased to a specialized import export department of fruits and vegetables, trading not just from Spain but from all over the world. In the years Solfruit develops a big experience in Italian products trading, too.

This is why it added also an office in Italy, in the Romagna region, that is an important junction for fruits and vegetable trade from Italy and European Countries, too.

Next to this relevant business, thanks to the deep knowledge of the territory of farmers and producers in both Countries, Italy and Spain, Solfruit Team guides its own customers during the negotiation, signing framework agreements or contracts to plan future or on-going fruits and vegetables campaigns .

We cooperate both with markets and Gdo (Large scale distribution) on the base of a detailed and specific order planning and supply chain, guaranteeing the best service
Siamo specializzati nella commercializzazione di peperoni, zucchine, melanzane, lattughe di ogni varietà, pomodori, etc etc…per quanto riguarda il prodotto frutticolo garantiamo le forniture continue di agrumi, pesche nettarine, albicocche, uva, kiwi, meloni, cocomeri e uva da tavola.

We also follow specific campaigns from abroad, such as chestnut (dried and meal included), pumpkin of several origins, Egyptian artichokes, potatoes and onions. By market's research we can provide new products and/or supplier on customer's requests

Solfruit is direct trade, but on need, it may become your International Trade Office: any producer that wants to expand internationally can do it, thanks to Solfruit’s staff endowed with expertise, flexibility and availability.



Solfruit s.r.l.s

Corte Don G.Botticelli, 51
47521 Cesena (FC), Italia

Email: /

Phone: +39 346 5174397 (Stefania) / +39 335 6855330 (Ivan)